Books List

Welcome to our comprehensive collection of recommended book for UPSC Civil Services preparation. We understand that an effective study strategy demands the right resources, and to that end, we have curated a diverse selection of meticulously chosen books to cater to every aspect of the UPSC syllabus. Embrace the knowledge from these trusted sources to embark on your journey towards success in the UPSC examination. Happy learning!

Booklist for UPSC


#SubjectsBooks List
1.History :
AncientR.S. Sharma + Vie Classes Classnotes
MedievalSatish Chandra + Vie Classes Classnotes
ModernSpectrum + Vie Classes Classnotes
Art & Culture11th Class NCERT + Vie Classes Classnotes
2.Polity11th Class NCERT + M. Laxmikant + Vie Classes Classnotes
3.Geography6th to 12th NCERT + Vie Classes Classnotes
4.EconomicsVie Classes Classnotes
5.Science & TechVie Classes Classnotes + The Hindu Current Affairs
6.EnvironmentVie Classes Classnotes + Shankar IAS
7.Current AffairsThe Hindu + The Indian Express + Success Souvenir

Mains :

#SubjectsBooks List
1.GS IVie Classes Handouts
2.GS IIVie Classes Handouts
3.GS IIIVie Classes Handouts
4.GS IVVie Classes Ethics Booklet